We created a Weeks inspired by the TV animation series “SPY x FAMILY,” in which a distinguished spy, a telepath, an assassin, and a future-predicting dog spend their days as a temporary family.
Taking advantage of the vertical Weeks book, Forger Family features a chic visual of Loid, Anya, and Yor. The black and white illustrations on a smoky green background inspired by the “SPY x FAMILY” TV animation series create a calm atmosphere, making it suitable for users of all ages.
The gold logo of the “SPY x FAMILY” TV animation series spices up the design.
The year 2025 is debossed discreetly.
On the back is an illustration of Bond, another member of the family. The black-colored spine brings the whole look together.
When you order this Hobonichi Techo Weeks, you’ll receive a clear, adhesive corner pocket you can stick anywhere you like.
The book uses thin and light yet durable Tomoe River paper. This paper that underwent an overhaul with the 2024 edition techo is more resistant to bleed through, lighter despite being the same thickness, and has a smoother surface by adjusting the fibers of the paper.
The Weeks book has space for writing in plans or journal entries, and it also has 69 pages of grid paper memo pages in the back (73 pages in the English edition). The back of the book contains bonus pages, including Sample Symbols and Icons and Oodles of Noodles.
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